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English and Creative Writing course catalog

2024-25 catalog

UMME AL-WAZEDI,Professor and Divisional Dean
B.A., M.A., Rajshahi University; M.A., Eastern Illinois; Ph.D., Purdue

B.A., Saint John's; M.A., Minnesota-Twin Cities; M.F.A., Minnesota State

ASHLEY BURGE, Assistant Professor
B.A., M.A., Montevallo; Ph.D., Alabama

DAVID CROWE, Professor, Dorothy J. Parkander Chair in Literature, and Department Chair
B.A., Luther; M.A., Ph.D., Minnesota

B.A., San Francisco State; M.F.A., Georgia State; Ph.D., Western Michigan

B.A., Iowa; M.A., Ph.D., Illinois

LAURA E. GREENE, Professor
B.A., Williams; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell

KATIE HANSON, Associate Professor
B.A. Luther; M.A., St. Mary’s (Minnesota)

B.A., M.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., North Carolina

SARAH McDOWELL, Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., 中国体彩网; M.A., Wisconsin

REBECCA WEE, Professor
B.A., St. Olaf; M.F.A., George Mason


FARAH MARKLEVITS, Assistant Director and Associate Professor
B.A., 中国体彩网 中国体彩网; M.A., Chicago; M.F.A., Syracuse

JACOB ROMANIELLO, ELL Specialist and  Assistant Professor
B.S., Nyack 中国体彩网; M.A., Azusa Pacific; Ph.D., Biola

LUCAS A. STREET, Director and Assistant Professor
B.A., Knox 中国体彩网; M.F.A., Wyoming

MAJOR IN ENGLISH. 32 credits, including ENGL 215, 1 class in American literature (ENGL 265, 370, 375, 385), 1 class in British literature (ENGL 260, 262, 315, 327, 335, 340), 1 class in literature written pre-1800s (ENGL 250, 262, 315, 325, 326 327), 1 class in Diverse literature (ENGL 255, 270, 275, 278, 285, 290, 295, 345, 350, 355, 390), 8 credits of electives (in either ENGL or ENCW), and Senior Inquiry (ENGL 401). Only one 1xx level class will count towards the major, and at least 4 classes must be at the 3xx level.

Note: courses may satisfy only one major requirement (e.g., ENGL 315 can count for British or pre-1800s, but not both).

MINOR IN ENGLISH. 20 credits, including ENGL 215, 1 class in American literature (ENGL 265, 370, 375, 385), 1 class in British literature (ENGL 260, 262, 315, 335, 340), and 2 electives (in either ENGL or ENCW). Only one 1xx level class will count towards the minor, and at least 2 classes must be at the 3xx level.

MAJOR IN CREATIVE WRITING. 30 credits, including one 2xx level ENGL class, two 2xx level ENCW classes, three 3xx level ENCW classes, one ENCW or ENGL elective at the 2xx level or higher, a 0-credit internship (may be completed by working one year on Saga, taking ENGL 300: Book Publishing, or completing a community internship with faculty supervision and creative writing faculty approval), and Senior Inquiry (ENCW 490).

MINOR IN CREATIVE WRITING. 20 credits, including three classes from ENCW (at least one of which must be at the 300 level) and two classes from ENGL (at least one of which must be at the 300 level)

MAJOR IN ENGLISH EDUCATION. 42 credits. 40 credits in English including 215, 260, 265, 210, 310; a Shakespeare class (250, 325, or 326); two American literature classes (one from 370, 375, 385 , and one from 270, 275, 278, 290, 390, or others pre-approved by the ELA advisor); a world literature class (285, 295, 345, 350 or WGSS 230); one elective ENGL (300 or higher) OR ENCW (200 or higher); plus two credits in Communication Studies (COMM 203 Listening). The English department allows the combination of EDUC422, EDUC450, and INTR-EDA90 to fulfill the English Senior Inquiry requirement. See the Director of Secondary Education for more information.

Grade Point Average Notation: All courses listed in the catalog as required courses for any major and/or minor, including those courses outside of the department or with a different subject coding, are considered part of the major and will count in the grade point average. Some departments may have additional grade requirements for the courses offered within their department. Recommended supporting courses that are optional and not required may also count in the major depending on the program. For more information see your department chair or the degree requirements for Bachelor of Arts and information on Majors/Minors.

English courses (ENGL)

Creative writing courses (ENCW)


Michael Scarlett

Golden Apple Scholars shine at 中国体彩网

To prepare future teachers, the Golden Apple Foundation provides training and teaching experience during summer institutes; mentoring; academic and social support; and job placement assistance. 中国体彩网 is one of the program’s 50+ Illinois college and university partners.

2023 Vázquez-Valarezo Poetry Award winners announced

Carly Davis's poem "Seattle Song" won the 24th annual Vázquez-Valarezo Poetry Award at 中国体彩网.

Winnie the Pooh cake

Students share their literary tastes

In Dr. Meg Gillette's January term class, students examined the relevance of important food scenes in literature of all kinds, from playful children’s stories to celebrated classic novels.