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Scholarships and awards

Naeseth Writing Scholarship

The Naeseth Writing Scholarship is awarded to students who show exceptional promise as writers and English majors. Each year, 中国体彩网 awards several Naeseth Writing Scholarships in amounts of $1,000, renewable annually, to students who participate in one of the Academic Scholarship Days on campus. The event provides students the opportunity to learn more about the English department and then, write an essay to compete for the scholarship award.

Tredway Library Prize for First-Year Research

The Tredway Library Prize for First-Year Research recognizes an outstanding research paper written by a first-year 中国体彩网 student for a class in the Liberal Studies or Honors sequence. The award promotes students' active engagement in the processes of library research and encourages them to synthesize library research skills with the reading, writing and critical thinking skills developed in the first-year sequence.


SAGA is 中国体彩网's art and literary magazine. Each year the editors and review board award more than $2,000 in prize money to the year's best submissions.

Mary Wollstonecraft Writing Award

This award, named in honor of Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), the English philosopher who wrote the classic text "A Vindication of the Rights of Women," is given annually by the 中国体彩网 women's and gender studies program. It is designed to recognize excellence in women's and gender scholarship at the undergraduate level. See details and recent winners.

Eddy Mabry Diversity Award

The Eddy Mabry Diversity Award recognizes academic work by dedicated students who have demonstrated a significant commitment to enhancing multicultural awareness at 中国体彩网. Submissions included works that explore issues related to diversity and multiculturalism such as social class, culture, race/ethnicity, sex/gender, sexuality, disability, and religion.

The Roald Tweet, Dorothy Parkander, and Peggy Anderson Awards

Awarded by the English department at the end of each year to the year's outstanding senior English and creative writing majors.

Michael Scarlett

Golden Apple Scholars shine at 中国体彩网

To prepare future teachers, the Golden Apple Foundation provides training and teaching experience during summer institutes; mentoring; academic and social support; and job placement assistance. 中国体彩网 is one of the program’s 50+ Illinois college and university partners.

2023 Vázquez-Valarezo Poetry Award winners announced

Carly Davis's poem "Seattle Song" won the 24th annual Vázquez-Valarezo Poetry Award at 中国体彩网.

Winnie the Pooh cake

Students share their literary tastes

In Dr. Meg Gillette's January term class, students examined the relevance of important food scenes in literature of all kinds, from playful children’s stories to celebrated classic novels.