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Kylie Radz
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

Kylie Radz

Graduation year: 2023

High school: Alan B. Shepard High School

Hometown: Alsip, Ill.

Major: Communication studies

Minor: Sociology and anthropology

Activities: Sigma Pi Delta sorority, Mortar Board, CEA/CAPA 中国体彩网 Student Ambassador

Internship: I am currently a marketing and advisor intern for the Office of International and Off-Campus Programs.

Post-grad plans: I am doing a solo trip of Europe for about a month and a half to push the boundaries of what I think is possible for myself. After I come back, I want to become a program manager for a study abroad organization.

Why 中国体彩网?

I chose 中国体彩网 because I was intrigued by the fact that Augie gave you money to study abroad. I had the intention of doing so, but I knew this school was for me because they value the experience of studying abroad for their students. Also, the campus has a "big campus" feel since all the buildings are spread out, which made me much more comfortable.

Are you where you thought you'd be when you first came to campus?

Absolutely not! I came into college with a different major, and I was going to be on the basketball team. I knew I wasn't happy so I quit basketball (which was my identity for my entire life) and switched my major. Now, I have had many leadership positions and involved myself in activities that I never thought I would be in. I'm really happy I decided to trust my gut and pursue other paths in my life.

Who helped you get to where you are now?

My support system from Augie and back home has pushed me to be where I am now. They believed in me when I had no directions but just far-out goals. Without that support system, I would not have had the courage to change anything in my life.

Peak experience?

My peak experience was being the only Augie student to study abroad in Florence, Italy, for the summer. I worked really hard to make that happen, and it was even better because I was able to step out of my comfort zone in a way I have never done before. I met so many great people through that experience, and it showed me that I can do anything even if I think I can't.

That's why I want to solo travel after college because every one of my favorite memories was when I went outside my comfort zone.

What surprised you?

What surprised me the most was becoming president of my sorority. I never in a million years expected to join a Greek group, but I'm really glad I did. Everyone was so encouraging for me to run, and I love leading such a fantastic group of people. This has taught me so much, and I will take the skills I learned in this position to further my professional career.

How did you use your Augie Choice?

I used my Augie Choice to study abroad!

What will you miss the most?

I will miss seeing a familiar face every day. Augie has such a tight-knit community that you will know someone on every corner. I'll also miss the crab rangoons from the CSL.

Advice for the Class of 2027?

Apply for those positions you don't think you'll get; do something that scares you once a week; reach out to those friends you haven't seen in a while; and most especially, enjoy every moment. Life is too short to live behind "I can't."

“'Wow, she needs to be a communication studies major!' was my first impression of Kylie. Her warmth and charisma engage her audience. Her abilities to craft and tell a story are superior. I’ve been lucky to work with Kylie for these past years. Her skills are grounded in the hard work she puts into whatever endeavor she is exploring. I can’t wait to see what she does next!"

– Dr. Jessica Nodulman, associate professor, communication studies