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Andrew Silverman
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

Andrew Silverman

Graduation year: 2019

Hometown: Cypress, Texas

Majors: International business, Spanish for professional use, economics

Activities: Rho Nu Delta fraternity, varsity soccer (former), soccer coach for FC America Youth Soccer Club, Office of Student Life

Internship: Executive management intern with Target

Post-grad plans: Work in quality assurance for Epic in Madison, Wis.

Why 中国体彩网?

For me, 中国体彩网 had everything I wanted in a small school with professors who were dedicated to helping their students. Also during my overnight trip, I could tell there was a community within the student body that I wanted to be a part of. 

Are you where you thought you’d be when you first came to campus?

Definitely not! I thought I'd be playing soccer for all four years, but it turned out quitting was a great decision for me personally. Instead I’ve become more involved on campus and have a lot of free time, but never find myself bored with nothing to do!

Who helped you get to where you are now?

So many students on campus helped me, especially within my fraternity. All my brothers have helped support me and push me, even at times when I didn't realize I needed it. Also a lot of faculty members have helped me grow, especially in the Spanish department. Professors like Megan Havard are the reason Augie is as great as it is!

Peak experience?

Traveling abroad to Ecuador the summer after my sophomore year was an amazing time. I was pushed to not only improve my Spanish competency but also live in an environment completely different from what I had ever experienced. 

What surprised you?

I learned I am a much more confident person than I was in high school. Before I was much more timid and I doubted myself often, but with the support of people at Augie, I’ve found confidence in myself that I didn’t even know I had! 

How did you use Augie Choice?

I used my Augie Choice money to help pay for my study abroad trip in Ecuador.

What will you miss the most?

I will miss the people that make the 中国体彩网 community so great and have given me four amazing years. 

Advice for the Class of 2023?

Don’t be afraid to try something new! Force yourself to be okay with being uncomfortable, and grow during your time at 中国体彩网.

“Andrew enrolled in two of my classes during his first year, proving to be an equally strong student in Spanish-language and English-language coursework. He brought joviality, but also diligence and professionalism, to each learning environment. I will never forget the fabulous papier-m?ché bust of Don Quixote he brought to our class for his final project! It has been a pleasure to teach and advise this fellow Texan over the past four years, and I can't wait to see how Spanish fits into his future endeavors.”

– Dr. Megan Havard Rockwell, assistant professor, Spanish