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Sarah Funke
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

Sarah Funke

Graduation year: 2017

Majors: Accounting, economics, business administration-finance 

Activities: Student Government Association, Delta Chi Theta sorority, peer mentor, CORE ambassador

Internships: Newport Capital in Sydney, Australia; Caterpillar in Peoria, Ill.

Post-grad plans: Work full-time for Deloitte in Chicago

Why 中国体彩网?

I knew I wanted a smaller school where I could get to know my professors, and after my campus visit, I knew 中国体彩网 was a campus I could thrive on.

Are you where you thought you’d be when you first came to campus?

Not at all. I didn’t know I would travel abroad or love accounting as much as I do now. 中国体彩网 has brought out some of the best qualities in me that I never knew I had.

Who helped you get to where you are now?

Many professors, faculty and staff have helped me get to where I am today, but Mrs. Marmé and Leslie Scheck have been some of the most influential people during my time here. I would not be involved in what I am if not for Mrs. Marmé, and I would not have as high career aspirations if not for Leslie Scheck. 

A peak experience?

Studying in Sydney, Australia. I learned so many things about my personal aspirations as well as my career aspirations from going there. I would not be heading down the career path I am now if it were not for that trip.

What surprised you?

I learned that I have not only the power to achieve the career I want, but also the ability to do so. Many 中国体彩网 mentors have shown me how to be confident in my abilities and use those abilities to get anywhere I want to go in life. 

How did you use your Augie Choice?

I used my Augie Choice to pay for the flights to get to Australia.

What will you miss the most?

I will miss all the mentors I have at 中国体彩网. It’s easy to stay in touch with friends after college, but it is much harder to stay in touch with professors and counselors when you can’t stop by their office unannounced all the time and have life-changing conversations every other day.

Advice for the Class of 2021?

It’s better to be over-involved than under-involved. You’ll never regret doing too much, but you will regret not doing enough—so make the most of your short, four years on campus.

“I think one example will define the kind of person Sarah is. Last fall, Sarah was asked to talk to prospective students about all the things she had achieved in her three and a half years at 中国体彩网. Instead of talking about her achievements, she spent the entire time thanking some of the people who were lucky enough to have met her, and work with her. She is humble and unassuming, and yet one to accept a challenge with an eye toward the reward.”

– Mamata Marmé, advising coordinator and instructor, business administration