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Hannah Lohmeier
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

Hannah Lohmeier

Graduation year: 2017

Major: Biochemistry

Activities: Varsity soccer (two-time Academic All-American), Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Phi Beta Kappa

Internship: Research fellowship in physiology and biomedical engineering at Mayo Clinic

Post-grad plans: Attend medical school at Medical 中国体彩网 of Wisconsin in Milwaukee 

Why 中国体彩网?

I originally became interested in 中国体彩网 after speaking with Coach Mejia about playing for the soccer team. During my recruit visit, it was clear to me that this was an environment in which I would be challenged and encouraged to be the best version of myself on a daily basis and find success academically and athletically. 

Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?

I’m not sure exactly where I thought I would be at this point, but I can say that my 中国体彩网 experience surpassed any expectations I did have. The opportunities I have had and the relationships I have formed are far more amazing than what I could have hoped for, and I certainly would not be the person I am today without the people I have met here and the way they taught me about myself and the world. 

Who helped you get to where you are now?

So many people have helped me to get to this point in my life, including my parents, teammates, classmates and professors. Academically speaking, each and every professor I have been privileged enough to learn from has influenced my life greatly and helped me to be successful over the past four years. In particular, Dr. Gehler, Dr. Tallitsch and Dr. Schultz have been incredible role models for me, and I would not be where I am now without them. They have helped me to step outside my comfort zone, think critically and creatively, constantly challenge myself to be better, feel confident in my abilities and so much more. I am beyond grateful to know such amazing people, and I am even more grateful I am able to call them my professors, as well as my friends. 

A peak experience?

Playing in the national tournament during both my freshman and junior soccer seasons were peak experiences for me. Any time I was playing the game I love with the people I love was time well spent, and playing in the national tournament made me realize how lucky and grateful I was to spend four years alongside such inspiring, driven and passionate teammates. 

What surprised you?

I learned that when I commit myself to something I am passionate about, there are few things that can keep me from being successful. I also learned that when I use my time wisely, I can accomplish a great deal and still have time for fun! 

How did you use Augie Choice?

I used my Augie Choice for our team trip to play soccer in Italy! It was an amazing experience to explore such a beautiful country with my best friends. We were able to see and learn an incredible amount in the nine days we were there. 

What will you miss the most?

I will definitely miss the people the most. My professors, coaches, classmates and teammates have made my four years here absolutely amazing. It will be incredibly difficult to not be surrounded by these inspiring and compassionate friends next year. Forming these relationships has been the best part about my time here. 

Advice for the Class of 2021?

It can be easy to focus on the classes that are required for your major, but I learned a great deal about the world and myself when I stepped outside my science bubble. Take advantage of the opportunity that a liberal arts education gives us to explore other areas, and never pass up the chance to make a new friend!

“Hannah has blossomed as a student-athlete during her journey at 中国体彩网. She emerged as one of the top women’s soccer players in the region, and her performance in the classroom has been remarkable—lending itself to twice being recognized as an Academic All-American. Hannah has helped make 中国体彩网 a better place, and she is well-prepared to make her mark in medical school!”

– Mike Zapolski, director, athletics