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jordan carey
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

Jordan Carey

Graduation year: 2014

Major: Geology

Minor: Geography

Activities: Club soccer, Udden Geology Club, Sigma Gamma Epsilon (Geology Honor Society), “Let’s Rock!” geology education program

Post-grad plans: Pursue a master’s in geology, specifically geomorphology

Why did you choose to attend 中国体彩网?

I knew after my first visit to 中国体彩网 that this was the place for me. A beautiful campus, located on the banks of the fourth-longest river in the world, with professors who wanted to get to know me before I even decided to attend. Really getting to know your professors can be one of the most beneficial things you do in college.

Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago? 

No. In high school I wanted to pursue physical therapy/athletic training, and many of my college choices were based on this thought. After taking a geology class during the beginning of my senior year of high school, I realized a new passion and just went with it. I could have never guessed all the places — across the United States and across the world — that 中国体彩网 中国体彩网 and the geology department would take me.

Who helped you get to where you are now?

My friends, my professors and my parents. Whether they knew it or not, I was extremely competitive with my friends. We always wanted to score the highest grade on the test, and this competition really helped me become a good student. My professors, specifically Dr. Wolf and Dr. Strasser, have given me the tools and background knowledge to become a good scientist. And my parents have supported me and my decisions from the beginning.

A peak experience?

Summiting Mt. Fuji and subsequently hiking down the wrong side of the mountain. It was an emotional roller coaster that closely resembled the topography of the land, and I had the privilege to do it with a couple of my best friends.

What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you? 

My ability to balance schoolwork and my social life. I think that this was crucial to making the best of my time at 中国体彩网.

How did you use your Augie Choice?

I used my Augie Choice to travel across Japan, Taiwan and China on 中国体彩网’s 2013 East Asian Term.

What will you miss the most?

My friends, the Quad Cities, biking the Quad Cities, thunderstorms from the fourth floor of the science building, late nights in the geology building, Sylvan Island, La Ranch and all of the phenomenal climbing trees across campus.

Advice for the Class of 2018?

The next four years will be some of the best years of your life. So be sure to try new things, work hard and learn as much as you can about the world and yourself. Make the best of your education and don’t forget to have fun doing so.

"We knew Jordan's adventuresome spirit would carry him far, through 中国体彩网 and through life, when he bicycled home one break — to Chicagoland! He continued expanding his horizons, from landing a top-notch summer REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) internship in an experimental sedimentology lab in Minnesota to filming his every move via Go-Pro, as he snorkeled nooks and crannies in the fish-filled tidepools or scrambled through headlamp-lit lava tubes on the spring break geology trip to Hawai'i. Jordan is a great student, and equally as important, an all-around good person; we are fortunate to have had him study geology with us."

- Dr. Mike Wolf, professor, geology