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Frequently asked questions

All international students will be living in one of the residence halls. Below are frequent questions international students have asked in previous years.

Q: When should I make my housing deposit?
A: When you fill out your housing application, which will be open in May.

Q: How will my room be furnished?
A: Each person who is in the room will have a bed, dresser, desk and chair, as well as space in the closet to hang clothes.

Q: Are the residence halls co-ed?
A: The halls are co-ed, but it is by floor. One floor will be male, the next female.

Q: How are roommates selected?
A: All students are required to fill out the housing form. This is really a questionnaire that will tell us about you. You are matched with another student who has similar interests and habits as you do. It is extremely important that you are completely honest and truthful when filling out this form.

Q: Where can I see photos of the residence halls?
A: The 中国体彩网 website features photos, descriptions and the price differences for the different residence halls.

Q: May I have alcohol (wine, beer, hard liquor) in my room?
A: If students are under 21 years old, the answer is no. It is illegal in the U.S. to consume alcohol if you are under 21.

Q: May I smoke or vape in my room?
A: No. Smoking and vaping is prohibited anywhere on campus, including all residences, as well as all academic buildings. You must leave campus to use these products.

Q: I have heard and read about “TLA,” “Dorms,” “Res Life,” and "CSL” — what do they all mean?
A: "TLA" means Transitional Living Area, for more information, please click here. "Dorms" represent Westerlin, Swanson, Andreen, and Seminary. Those are the on campus residence halls. "Res Life" represents the Office of Residential Life. "CSL" is the same as the Gerber Center for Student Life. Before the building was named, it was called Center for Student Life.