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Geology Museum

Planetarium open house

中国体彩网 中国体彩网's John Deere Planetarium will be open to the public for an evening of stargazing and planet viewing.

Lunar eclipse at the planetarium

The public is invited to a free program at 中国体彩网 中国体彩网's John Deere Planetarium in conjunction with a total eclipse of the moon.

How to Make Walking & Bicycling Routine: Examples from Leading Communities

Robert J. Schneider, PhD, an Associate Professor of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Urban Planning and 中国体彩网 class of '99 will lecture on his talk "How to Make Walking & Bicycling Routine: Examples from Leading Communities".

william hammer

Professor brings dinosaur treasures home to campus

The Fryxell Geology Museum is one of the jewels of the 中国体彩网 中国体彩网 campus, and it has been carefully polished by Dr. William Hammer, the head of the museum and professor of geology. Visitors are greeted by a 22-foot Cryolophosaurus, a carnivorous dinosaur he discovered in Antarctica in 1991.