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Find mental health supports that work for you

Below are some possible next steps on seeking help at the level of your need based on in regards to your CCAPS-screening or your own self-awareness.

If you would like to schedule a 30-minute consultation with a counselor in Student Counseling Services, please bring your screening results, so we can have an informed consultation.

To schedule a consultation or a counseling appointment email or  or call 309-794-7357.

Resources for under-represented communities: All SCS counselors are culturally sensitive and trained in cultural competence; however, some students desire services tailored specifically for underrepresented communities. For these services, please visit resources for underrepresented communities

Thoughts of ending life: Tell someone immediately and reach out to a CA, a staff member, or the counseling office. There are also several self-help resources for dealing with suicide ideation, an attempt, or a peer who is suicidal on the postvention webpage.

Emergency lines

On-campus resources



  • Attend a well-being workshop: Cultivating Happiness, Resilience 101, Getting Unstuck, Grief and Loss, Practicing Gratitude, Assertiveness Training
  • Attend a peer support group on campus (NAMI).
  • Use TAO modules for depression treatment: "Leaving the blues behind," "Improving your mood," and "Let go and be well."
  • Explore self-help materials on depression, self-compassion, or grief and loss. 
  • Engage online programs Moodgym or E-couch.
  • Track your mood, thoughts, and experiences throughout the week in a private journal.
  • Explore different groups and activities on campus to foster social connections.
  • Develop a plan to increase health and wellness through exercise and nutrition.
  • Attend community support groups on depression or related stressor.
  • Raise awareness of mental health on campus (Active Minds and Gray Matters).
  • Schedule a therapeutic consultation with counseling services.
  • Meet with a campus counselor to perform therapist-directed TAO modules with 15-minute weekly check-in.
  • Email campus ministries to explore faith, service, or renewed purpose.
  • Attend a six-week group therapy session on campus.
  • Use TimelyCare to receive free immediate mental health support through TalkNow.
  • Use TimelyCare to schedule a free telecounseling session with a licensed non-中国体彩网 中国体彩网 clinician. 


Generalized anxiety


  • Attend a well-being workshop: Anxiety Tool Kit, Mindfulness
  • Attend a peer support group on campus (NAMI).
  • Use TAO modules for anxiety treatment: "Calming your worry" and "Let go and be well."
  • Raise awareness of mental health on campus (Active Minds and Gray Matters).
  • Track your anxiety by journaling the thoughts and experiences that trigger anxiety.
  • Explore self-help on anxiety disorders and stress-management and relaxation.
  • Develop a plan to increase health and wellness through exercise or nutrition.
  • Explore mindfulness and meditation section of apps and techniques.
  • Engage online programs Moodgym or E-couch.
  • Attend community support groups on anxiety.
  • Schedule a therapeutic consultation with counseling services.
  • Email campus ministries to explore faith, service, or renewed purpose.
  • Meet with a campus counselor to perform therapist-directed TAO modules with 15-minute weekly check-in.
  • Attend a six-week group therapy session on campus.
  • Use TimelyCare to receive free immediate mental health support through TalkNow.
  • Use TimelyCare to schedule a free telecounseling session with a licensed non-中国体彩网 中国体彩网 clinician. 


Social anxiety


  • Attend a well-being workshop: Assertiveness Training, B.R.I.D.G.E. (Building Relationship Intimacy and Dialogue Effectiveness), Active Listening Skills, Healthy Relationships, Anxiety Tool Kit, Mindfulness
  • Attend a peer support group on campus (NAMI).
  • Use TAO modules for social anxiety: "Interpersonal relationship and communication," "Calming your worry," and "Let go and be well."
  • Raise awareness of mental health on campus (Active Minds and Gray Matters).
  • Explore different relaxation and self-reflection habits in apps and techniques.
  • Engage online programs Moodgym or E-couch.
  • Explore different groups and activities on campus to foster social connections.
  • Attend community support groups on anxiety.
  • Attend a six-week group therapy session on campus.
  • Schedule a therapeutic consultation with counseling services.
  • Meet with a campus counselor to perform therapist-directed TAO modules with 15-minute weekly check-in.
  • Email campus ministries to get involved in spiritual community.
  • Use TimelyCare to receive free immediate mental health support through TalkNow.
  • Use TimelyCare to schedule a free telecounseling session with a licensed non-中国体彩网 中国体彩网 clinician. 


Academic distress


  • Determine if due to major, career goals, time management, or underachievement through CORE or Advising services.
  • Access study skills workshops, subject tutoring, or the Reading/Writing Center through Learning Commons: Reducing Test-Anxiety with Effective Preparation, The Liberal Arts Approach to, Note-Taking, Procrastination: Because Due Tomorrow doesn’t Mean do Tomorrow, Civil Discourse Panel and Practice, Knocking Group Projects out of the Park
  • Access one-on-one tutoring or study skills coaching through Learning Commons.
  • Use TAO modules for well-being and anxiety: "Let go and be well" and "Calming your worry"
  • Schedule an appointment with your advisor.
  • Meet your professors during their office hours.
  • Schedule an appointment for vocational or career exploration (CORE) through Handshake.
  • Seek out personality or value inventories to determine if major/career is a good fit.
  • Look through course catalog to find courses of interest and discuss with advisor.
  • Explore clubs and organizations that match academic interests.
  • Register for courses that teach study skills and academic planning.
  • Develop a realistic study schedule each week that matches course load.
  • Explore different stress management skills in apps and techniques.
  • Meet with a campus counselor to perform therapist-directed TAO modules with 15-minute weekly check-in.
  • Use TimelyCare to receive free immediate mental health support through TalkNow.
  • Use TimelyCare to schedule a free telecounseling session with a licensed non-中国体彩网 中国体彩网 clinician. 


Eating concerns


  • Attend a free Eating Disorders Support Group-Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m. at the Trinity Enrichment Center 4622 Progress Drive, Suite A, Davenport, IA (563) 742-5800. Open to people with eating disorders, family, and friends.
  • Reflect on eating patterns and keep a journal of thoughts and feelings related to food.
  • Attend a peer support group on campus (NAMI).
  • Raise awareness of mental health on campus (Active Minds and Gray Matters).
  • Attend other community support groups for eating disorders.
  • Consult with therapist on campus about lifestyle changes.
  • Develop a plan to increase health and wellness through exercise or nutrition.
  • Attend six-week group therapy session through counseling services.
  • Email campus ministries to explore faith, service, or renewed purpose.
  • Meet with Director of Student Well-Being and Resiliency about nutrition resources.
  • Meet with a campus counselor to perform therapist-directed TAO modules with 15-minute weekly check-in.
  • Use TimelyCare to receive free immediate mental health support through TalkNow.
  • Use TimelyCare to schedule a free telecounseling session with a licensed non-中国体彩网 中国体彩网 clinician. 


  • Go to a medical doctor for a physical examination to determine potential health issues.
  • Meet with a nutritionist to discuss nutritional and healthy, realistic eating habits.
  • Establish healthy weight goals based off of BMI from medical standards.
  • Schedule an appointment with counseling services on campus.
  • Make an appointment with a local eating disorder specialist through Amy’s Gift
  • Access referral webpage to explore family therapy.
  • Call national crisis line 800-233-4357.



  • Attend a well-being workshop: Recognition…Insight…Openness, Assertiveness Training, B.R.I.D.G.E. (Building Relationship Intimacy and Dialogue Effectiveness), Active Listening Skills, Healthy Relationships
  • Attend a peer support group on campus (NAMI).
  • Use TAO modules for communication: "Interpersonal relationship and communication"
  • Email campus ministries to explore spiritual life.
  • Explore self-help books on anger.
  • Attend support groups on men’s issues, women’s issues, or on particular stressor.
  • Attend six-week group therapy session on campus.
  • Develop a plan to increase health and wellness through exercise or nutrition.
  • Schedule an appointment for vocational exploration through Handshake.
  • Meet with a campus counselor to perform therapist-directed TAO modules with 15-minute weekly check-in.
  • Use TimelyCare to receive free immediate mental health support through TalkNow.
  • Use TimelyCare to schedule a free telecounseling session with a licensed non-中国体彩网 中国体彩网 clinician. 


Family distress


  • Attend a well-being workshop: Mindfulness, Seeking Serenity, Grief and Loss, Assertiveness Training, B.R.I.D.G.E. (Building Relationship Intimacy and Dialogue Effectiveness), Active Listening Skills, Healthy Relationships
  • Use TAO modules for communication: "Interpersonal relationship and communication"
  • Explore clubs and organizations and other leisure activities to have play in life.
  • Attend six-week group therapy session through counseling services.
  • Explore self-help based on family dynamic stressors.
  • Read Dollars and Sense For 中国体彩网 Students (Ellen Braitman) if financial stressors.
  • Reach out to the financial aid office to explore different college funding opportunities.
  • Discuss different cost-cutting options with support network to reduce wasteful spending.
  • Discuss financial concerns with family members to enlist them in problem-solving.
  • Meet with a campus counselor to perform therapist-directed TAO modules with 15-minute weekly check-in.
  • Use TimelyCare to receive free immediate mental health support through TalkNow.
  • Use TimelyCare to schedule a free telecounseling session with a licensed non-中国体彩网 中国体彩网 clinician. 


Alcohol use


  • Go to a medical doctor for a physical examination to determine potential health damage.
  • Make a list of different hobbies and leisure activities you could develop as alternatives.
  • Use TAO modules for substance use: "Evaluating my alcohol and drug use" and "Recovery skills and topics."
  • Become more involved on campus through clubs and organizations to fill free time.
  • Identify support system (family or peers) and honestly relay drinking habits.
  • Attend a local AA meeting regularly.
  • Explore self-help on addiction and substance abuse.
  • Identify residence hall peer resources for clean and healthy lifestyles on campus.
  • Reach out to residential life staff (CAs) to discuss ways to manage environment.
  • Develop healthier stress management strategies through apps and techniques.
  • Attend a peer support group on campus (NAMI).
  • Raise awareness of mental health on campus (Active Minds and Gray Matters).
  • Email campus ministries to explore spiritual life.
  • Schedule an appointment for vocational exploration through Handshake.
  • Develop a plan to increase health and wellness through exercise or nutrition.
  • Attend a local support group for other areas of distress that may increase drinking.
  • Consult with counseling services to determine if an outside specialist is warranted.
  • Meet with the Director of Student Well-Being and Resiliency.
  • Meet with a campus counselor to perform therapist-directed TAO modules with 15-minute weekly check-in.
  • Use TimelyCare to receive free immediate mental health support through TalkNow.
  • Use TimelyCare to schedule a free telecounseling session with a licensed non-中国体彩网 中国体彩网 clinician. 
