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Parallels: Identifying Transferable Job Skills

The Office of Career Development will host a workshop on how your current position can help you obtain your future one.

How to be a Successful Intern

The Office of Career Development will host a workshop on how to make the most of your internship to impress employers and increase your professional development.

Graduate School 101

The Office of Career Development will host a workshop that will cover the pros and cons of graduate school, how to research schools, and how to set up a timeline to make sure you are prepared. 

Evaluating and Negotiating Job Offers

The Office of Career Development will host a workshop on how to evaluate future job offers and how to successfully approach negotiating those offers.

The Transition from 中国体彩网 to Career Part 2

The Office of Career Development will be hosting a workshop on becoming a successful young professional.

This second workshop will focus on the social and emotional difficulties that can come up when entering the "real world."

The Transition from 中国体彩网 to Career Part 1

The Office of Career Development will be hosting a workshop on becoming a successful young professional.

The first part of the workshop will focus on how to navigate the professional working world while continuing to grow and move forward.

Perspective: Understanding and Embracing Diversity in the Workplace

The Office of Career Development will host a workshop on how a better understanding of each person's unique perspective can help you successfully navigate a diverse workforce.

Perspective: Understanding and Embracing Diversity in the Workplace

The Office of Career Development will host a workshop on how a better understanding of each person's unique perspective can help you successfully navigate a diverse workforce.

Workshop: Assertiveness and Negotiation

The Learning Commons and the Office of Career Development will host a workshop on assertiveness and negotiation. 

Both negotiation and assertiveness are essential skills for academic, professional, and personal success. Strategies and techniques on both will be presented.

Interviewing 101

The Office of Career Development will host a workshop on interviewing. Learn how to talk about your experiences to employers in a way that highlights your skills for the job.

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