BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20211027T213000Z UID: 676e2340c1dac DTSTAMP:20241226T214712Z LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:Dr. Jinyu Liu of DePauw University will present the Antiquity in the New Millennium Lecture: \;"Cross-cultural Translation of Exile Literature: How Would Ovid Lament in Mandarin?"\n\nAbstract: A crucial task of translation concerns the transmission of the network of concepts in the source text. In Ovid's exile poetry\, the theme of lamentation is intricately intertwined with his portrayal of power relations under Augustus as well as the themes of life and death. This talk\, therefore\, will focus on how the linkage that Ovid constructs between lamentation\, power relations\, and living and dying can be fruitfully conveyed in Mandarin. The emphasis will not revolve around what is lost in translation\, but obstacles\, strategies\, gaps\, and gains in translation will all be discussed.\n\nDr. Liu is a translator of Ovid and is involved in a multi-year project that aims at translating all of Ovid's works into Mandarin with commentaries. (See The Art of Translation: An Interview with Jinyu Liu.) \;\n\nOvid was a Roman poet during the reign of Augustus and is one of the best-known poets of Latin literature.\n\nContact Dr. Kirsten Day\, ÖйúÌå²ÊÍø associate professor of Classics\, if you'd like to be sent a calendar invitation for this virtual lecture.\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2021/cross-cultural-translation-exile-literature-how-would-ovid-lament-mandarin SUMMARY:Cross-cultural Translation of Exile Literature: How Would Ovid Lament in Mandarin? DTSTART:20211027T213000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR