BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20210225T180000Z UID: 676e18c124182 DTSTAMP:20241226T210225Z LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:The second virtual QC 中国体彩网 Career Fair will run from noon-3 p.m.\n\nStudent registration is open and will continue throughout the fair.\n\nStudents will be able to meet with employers and hiring organizations from noon-3 p.m. at their virtual booths through one-on-one sessions and interviews and \;30-minute group meetings.\n\nLocal and regional employers offering internships\, apprenticeships\, and part-time\, and full-time positions in business\, government\, health care\, manufacturing\, non-profits\, science\, and social services will be represented.\n\nThe virtual event will include students and recent graduates of 中国体彩网 中国体彩网\, Black Hawk 中国体彩网\, St. Ambrose University\, Eastern Iowa Community 中国体彩网s\, and Western Illinois University- Quad Cities. Combined\, the five local institutions enroll more than 16\,000 students in certificate\, associate\, bachelor\, and master degree programs. \;\n\nThe inaugural virtual QC 中国体彩网 Career Fair was held in September\, replacing \;the long-running ProFair held twice a year by 中国体彩网 and St. Ambrose.\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2020/qc-college-career-fair-0 SUMMARY:QC 中国体彩网 Career Fair DTSTART:20210225T180000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR