BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20201025T010000Z UID: 676e2c0e92acb DTSTAMP:20241226T222446Z LOCATION:The Gerber Center for Student Life DESCRIPTION:Trick or Trivia offers cash prizes for the right answers and a chance to win a Nintendo Switch grand prize.\n\nCostumes are optional yet highly recommended. Snacks and drinks will be provided.\n\nTrivia play will be \;split up into three different sections\, one starting at 6 p.m.\, one at 7 p.m.\, and the last one beginning at 8 p.m.\n\nThe audience will be asked six different sections of questions. Whoever wins that section will get a cash reward that increases as the sections continue. For example\, whoever wins the first section will get $25\, the second section winner will then receive $30\, and so on until the sixth section winner receives $50.\n\nAll will get a chance to win the Nintendo Switch in the grand prize raffle.\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2020/trick-or-trivia-0 SUMMARY:Trick or Trivia DTSTART:20201025T010000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR