BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20191013T000000Z UID: 676fe3bbaa268 DTSTAMP:20241228T054043Z LOCATION:Hanson Hall of Science DESCRIPTION:Ola Larsmo\, author of the recent best-selling novel "Swede Hollow\," will deliver the Swenson Center's annual O. Fritiof Ander Lecture in Immigration History. The title of his talk is "Swede Hollow: \;A Different Swedish-American Story."\n\n"Swede Hollow" was published in Sweden in 2016. It tells of a group of Swedes who settled in Swede Hollow\, St. Paul\, Minnesota\, home to many immigrants. \; The English translation will be available from the University of Minnesota Press in October.\n\nOla Larsmo is a critic and columnist for the leading Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. He is \;the author of nine novels and several collections of short stories and essays. He has received the Bj?rnson Prize from the Norwegian Academy of Literature and Freedom of Expression\, the Lagercrantz Critics' Prize from Dagens Nyheter\, and Natur &\; Kultur's cultural prize. \;\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2019/o-fritiof-ander-lecture-immigration-history-ola-larsmo SUMMARY:O. Fritiof Ander Lecture in Immigration History: Ola Larsmo DTSTART:20191013T000000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR