BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20170125T020000Z UID: 66e7f051cf7f7 DTSTAMP:20240916T034609Z LOCATION:Denkmann Memorial Building DESCRIPTION:Nine ÖйúÌå²ÊÍø students will perform on flute\, cello\, piano and violin. \;\n\nThey are:\n\nGrace O'Shea\, a first-year student from Springfield\, Ill.\, flute\n\nGrayson Dixon\, a first-year student from Bailey\, Colo.\, cello\n\nKylie Gember\, a senior from Wheeling\, Ill.\, flute\n\nJeana Brown\, a first-year student from West Chicago\, cello\n\nKamneev Raim\, a senior from Arlington Heights\, Ill.\, violin\n\nRachel Heah\, a sophomore from Malaysia\, piano\n\nNicole Romano\, a senior from Park Ridge\, Ill.\, flute\n\nStephanie Tillman\, a junior from Godfrey\, Ill.\, cello\n\nGrace Dwyer\, a sophomore from Hawthorn Wood\, Ill.\, piano\n\nProgram\n\n\n \n \n Cantabile et Presto \n Grace O¡¯Shea\, flute\n Gail Baldwin \, piano\n  \;\n Georges Enesco\, 1881-1955\n \n \n \n Suite No. 5 in c minor\, BWV 1011\n I. Prelude and Fugue 1685-1750\n Grayson Dixon\, cello\n \n  \;\n Johann Sebastian Bach\n 1685-1750\n \n \n \n Scenes from the Japanese Countryside \n I. A Land of Remote Valleys\n II. Clearing After a Storm\n III. Autumn Moon\n IV. Night Rain\n Kylie Gember\, flute\n \n  \;\n David Loeb I.\n b.1939\n \n \n \n Allegro Appassionata\, Op. 43 \n Jeana Brown\, cello\n Charles Schmidt\, piano\n \n  \;\n Camille Saint-Sa?ns\n 1835-1921\n \n \n Vocalise\, Op. 34\, No. 14\n Kamneev Rai\, violin 1873-1943\n Rachel Heah\, piano\n  \;\n Sergei Rachmaninoff\n 1873-1943\n \n \n Virtuoso Flamenco Studies\n III. ¨¢ la Rumba gitana\n Nicole Ramano\, flute\n  \;\n Krystof Zgraja\n b. 1950\n \n \n Sonate de Concert\, Op. 47\n II. Allegrettino 1813-1888\n Stephanie Tillman\, cello\n Charles Schmidt\, piano\n  \;\n Charles-Henri Valentin Alkan\n 1813-1888\n \n \n Etude\, Op. 10\, No. 3 \n Grace Dwyer\, piano\n  \;\n Frederic Chopin\n 1810-1849\n \n \n\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2016/student-recital-0 SUMMARY:Student recital DTSTART:20170125T020000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR