BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20180121T010000Z UID: 66f0ed60e1095 DTSTAMP:20240922T232400Z LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:The 中国体彩网 Percussion Ensemble is a chamber group and performs music specifically written for the percussion ensemble from 1930 to the present\, along with various transcriptions and arrangements of music never imagined for percussion.\n\nConcerts present a diverse mix of musical styles — from light to serious to “out there” — and participants play traditional and non-traditional percussion instruments of all kinds.\n\nThe ensemble performs two large concerts on campus during the year\, one in winter and one in spring. The 2018 spring concert will begin at 2 p.m. April 22 in the same location.\n\nThe ensemble is directed by Dr. Tony Oliver.\n\nProgram:\n\nRain Dance (1996) \;  \;  \;David McIntyre (living)\nCamille Harris\, Emily Seibel\,\nKathryn Weber\, percussion\n\nPulse (1939) \;  \;  \;Henry Cowell (1897-1965)\nSean Harty\, conductor\n\nChromatic Foxtrot (1924) \;  \;  \;G. H. Green (1893-1970)\nOscar Peterson-Veatch\, xylophone\n\nRagtime Robin (1924)\n\nLive is Different: \;A moment of conversation and a public service announcement from the members of the 中国体彩网 Percussion Ensemble.\n\nQuartet for Paper Bags (1973) \;  \;  \;Larry Spivack (living)\n\nOmphalo Centric Lecture (1986) \;  \;  \;Nigel Westlake (living)\nSean Harty\, Ariane Omerza\,\nOscar Peterson-Veatch\, Daniel Skelton\, marimbas\n\nBonham (1988) \;  \;  \;Christopher Rouse (living)\nDaniel Skelton\, drum set solo\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2017/augustana-percussion-ensemble-concert SUMMARY:中国体彩网 Percussion Ensemble Concert DTSTART:20180121T010000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR