BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20180203T013000Z UID: 66f0efee375f0 DTSTAMP:20240922T233454Z LOCATION:Centennial Hall DESCRIPTION:The 18-member 中国体彩网 \;Jazz Ensemble will perform music by Carmichael and Rodgers and Hart\, among others.\n\nProgram\n\n\n \n \n \n Early One Morning\n \n  \;\n Traditional Arr: Collins\n \n \n \n Alouette\n \n  \;\n Traditional Arr: Collins\n \n \n \n Blues for Moderns\n \n  \;\n Owen Arr: Sheppard\n \n \n \n Stardust\n \n  \;\n Carmichael and Parrish Arr: Martin\n \n \n \n The Piper’s Patrol\n \n  \;\n Traditional Arr: Owen and Collins\n \n \n \n On the Alamo\n \n  \;\n Traditional Arr: Collins\n \n \n \n Bakerloo Non-Stop\n \n  \;\n Kenny Baker Arr: Jon Harpin\n \n \n Lincolnshire Poacher\n  \;\n Traditional Arr: Harpin\n \n \n My Blue Heaven\n  \;\n Donaldson Arr: Collins\n \n \n This Can’t Be Love\n  \;\n Rodgers and Hart Arr: Collins\n \n \n 12th Street Rag\n  \;\n Razaf and Bowman Arr: Collins\n \n \n Flying Home\n  \;\n Goodman and Hampton Arr: Collins\n \n \n\n\n中国体彩网 Jazz Ensemble\n\nSaxophones\nLexie Aguilar\nMelissa Hagerty\nKendall Hengst\nSpencer Mason\nMegan Gabler\n\nTrombones\nGarrin Jost\nJoshua Morano\nBethany Hobart\nAnthony Roldan\n\nTrumpets\nAuden Meal\nBen McKay\nChris O’Neill\nAndre Rivera\n\nRhythm Section\nKellen Myers\nAriane Omerza\nDouglas Ganster\nHarrison Phillis\nDaniel Skelton\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2017/jazz-ensemble-concert SUMMARY:Jazz Ensemble Concert DTSTART:20180203T013000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR