BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20170603T123000Z UID: 66ee304f37e46 DTSTAMP:20240920T213247Z LOCATION:Hanson Hall of Science DESCRIPTION:Dr. Bohdan “Bo” Dziadyk\, retired professor of biology at 中国体彩网\, will be the keynote speaker at the \;Illinois Native Plant Society \;annual meeting.\n\nThe meeting will include activities and programs at 中国体彩网 and at numerous field locations in Iowa and Illinois.\n\nDuring his 36 years at 中国体彩网\, Dr. Dziadyk taught botany and ecology\; and was the director of 中国体彩网’s ecological field stations. He will speak on "Plant Blindness\, Deep Ecology And The Conservation Ethos." at \;7:30 p.m. \;Saturday at the Wilson Center on campus.\n\nFriday's activities begin with registration and check-in at Hanson Hall from \;4-6:30 p.m. \;From \;5:30-6:30 \;there will be a mixer in the atrium. \;\n\nAt \;6:45 p.m.\, photographers\, Linda and Robert Scarth will discuss and show images from their book "Deep Nature: Photographs from Iowa."\n\nAt \;8:45 p.m.\, ecologist and author Connie Mutel will discuss "Reshaping Nature in the Corn Belt."\n\nOn Saturday\, there will be field trips to Thomson-Fulton Sand Prairie and Ayers Prairie\, a fern workshop at Wildcat Den\, and hikes at Wildcat Den\, Nahant Marsh\, Brockhouse Wet Prairie\, Indian Bluff Hill Prairie\, Beling Biological Preserve\, Collinson Ecological Preserve and Black Hawk Historical Site. Some field trips will be repeated Sunday.\n\nRegistration Form\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2017/illinois-native-plant-society-annual-meeting-0 SUMMARY:Illinois Native Plant Society Annual Meeting DTSTART:20170603T123000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR